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Meet the Founder

Hey Everyone! I'm Mahathi Mangipudi and I am working towards a better tomorrow.

I am currently a senior at Interlake High School, and just finished the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. If there is one thing I have learned in the past few years, it is that if I want to see a change in my community, I need to start making the change. 


I love our planet. In elementary school, I remember picking up the coolest looking rocks from our neighborhood creek and stashing them away in a small, pink box. Moving to Seattle in middle school only reaffirmed my love of nature, surrounded by the beautiful trees and mountains of the Pacific Northwest. 


Though I had passively enjoyed nature for years, in middle school, I started learning more about the planet from a scientific perspective. In seventh grade, I tried out for my school's National Science Bowl team, and after qualifying, took the opportunity to study earth science in greater depth. Since then, I have continued to study and apply my earth science knowledge in various competitions, and was also selected to represent the United States at the International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) in my freshman year.


At this point, I had realized that humanity's rate of consumption was taking a severe toll on Earth through habitat destruction and climate change. But, witnessing the harsh realities millions of people are exposed every day of their life in Thailand at IESO ignited my own personal call to action to create a sustainable change in my community.  We visited several local villages on one of the day trips and I saw how families didn't have beautiful surroundings to play in, let alone clean water to drink and a reliable source of electricity.


Upon returning home, I started seeking avenues to speak out against the environmental injustices I witnessed through local outreach programs and poetry. Also recognizing the gap in earth sciences education in schools, I realized that I was determines to accomplish a two-fold mission: first is to inspire younger students to make the environment a priority by educating elementary and middle school students about green practices to make sustainability second nature to the next generation, and second, to create a platform for youth to both voice their desire for change and take action in their community to create a measurable, positive difference. 


Thank you for visiting my site, and getting to know a little bit more about me! Please do your part to take action by making a pledge to minimize your environmental footprint, however small the action may be. 

About Me: About Us
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